4th NLP & Coaching Worldcongress „Hypnotherapy“ in Paris – Awarenessbased DeHypnosis & Inner-Team-Focusing® (ITF)
Sep 8 um 10:00 – Sep 10 um 18:00
4th NLP & Coaching Worldcongress "Hypnotherapy" in Paris - Awarenessbased DeHypnosis & Inner-Team-Focusing® (ITF) @ Île-de-France | Frankreich

Awarenessbased DeHypnosis & Inner-Team-Focusing® (ITF)

Awarenessbased DeHypnosis and Inner-Team-Focusing® (ITF) has been developed by Jörg Fuhrmann as a holistic approach that is based on contemplative mindfulness and selectively incorporates the wisdom of the body with the inner trance work. Certainly, the ITF is based on the idea to be more than just a method or a methods Fusion. Because, as we all know, the experience of genuine contacts in the „here and now“ and the conscious recognition of oneself has the greatest  healing potential. Therefore, the ITF considers itself more as an „Process-oriented awareness-philosophy“ which goal is „De-hypnosis“ – if it even has one.

One of the basic ideas of ITF is based on what Transpersonal Psychology has been called a „consensus trance“: Throughout society we are all continually arrested in trances without an glimpse of awareness about this fact. Because for us „modern unconscious Caveman“ these collective trances are rated as „normal Consciousness“.

These „Trances“ were, induced by our parents, family, friends, educators, pedagogues, teachers, pastors, and of course, through the media. The only problem with this is, that our modern cultures provide no periods of conscious Recovery and collective DeHypnosis – like the Greeks still had. These continual focalizations and dissociations – both are essential for a successful hypnosis – are the true Creators of our different internal parts of the personality ( „ego states“).  So we work in the ITF Training with induced trances, the personality facets, the repressed shadow shares – in the sense of C.G. Jung – and sometimes with unhealthy ego fixations which have emerged often from a believed, or as real experienced deficit. This work opens up a whole new framework and space, which gives Hypnosis back the Body and the deeper inner Awareness. Complicated doublebind-situations and ambiguous orders often get solved in a very elegant and gentle manner.


Jörg Fuhrmann is an Expert for Crisis, DeHypnosis and Trancetherapy. He has studied Social Science, Art and Dramatheatre. He also travelled around the World to different transpersonal Teachers and Shamans. He´s on a guided spiritual Path of integral Mysticism (since 2005 as a student of Zen-Master Willigis Jäger) since 1999 and works as a Gestalttherapist (ECP/WCP)/ Eurotas Certified Transpersonal Therapist & Supervisor (ESTP) in Switzerland, close to the German Border near Lake Constance. He is the Founder of freiraum-Institute (2006) – which means “free- or open space” – and has worked many years as a Board certified Trainer for the National Guild of Hypnotists™ (NGH™) as well as a Speaker and Lecturer at different German Universities. He is also a Trainer at the biggest European Centre for Mysticism, Awareness and Zen and was trained by Grof Transpersonal Training since 2008 in Holotropic Breathwork™. Since 2013 he is working on his PhD in Transpersonal Psychology. Actually he is developing a Transpersonal Trancetherapy-Training with different EUROTAS-Trainers.

Interview Jörg Fuhrmann „Der Mythos des Zwillingsarchetyps & Geburtstrauma“ – Online-Kongress „Verlorerer Zwilling“
Okt 17 um 8:32 – Okt 25 um 9:32

„Verlorener Zwilling“ – Online-Kongress – Jörg Fuhrmann im Interview über pränatale Psychologie, Geburtstrauma, antike Mythen & den Archetyp des Zwillings

Zum kostenlosen Online-Kongress der Gestalttherapeutin Ira Hauptmann:







29th World Summit in New York (USA) on Positive Psychology, Mindfulness & Psychotherapy with Jörg Fuhrmann
Mai 21 um 9:00 – Mai 22 um 18:00

29th World Summit in New York on Positive Psychology, Psychotherapy & Mindfulness

Theme: ‘’Global Assessment of Happiness & Well-being towards Mental Health for a Better Society’’.

With the grand success of Positive Psychology, Psychotherapy & Cognitive Behavioral Sciences 2017, the Organizing Committee is glad to announce its “29th World Summit on Positive Psychology, Mindfulness and Psychotherapy”, conference which will be held during May 21-22, 2018 in New York, USA with the theme: ‘’Global Assessment of Happiness & Well-being towards Mental Health for a Better Society’’.

On this auspicious occasion, Organizing Committee invites all the participants from all over the globe to take part in this annual flagship conference. The scope of psychology is ever-growing due to constantly researches in this field. Associate with our informal organization pages to get normal scholastic and industry overhauls. We cordially welcome all the eminent professors, counsellors, researchers, nurse practitioners, students, therapists, social workers and delegates to take part in this upcoming conference to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the fields of Psychology, Psychotherapy & Mental Health with 10% abatement on the Early Bird Prices. The first round of Abstract submission deadline is June 27, 2017.

Bookmark your dates for “Positive Psychology, Mindfulness & Psychotherapy 2018” as the Nominations for Best Poster Awards and Young Researcher Awards are open across the world. All members of the Positive Psychology 2018 Organizing Committee look forward to meeting you in New York, USA.

Keynote Speakers for 2017 Edition:
• Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson, University of Massachusetts, USA
• Dr. Javier Fiz Perez, European University of Rome, Italy
• Dr. Fredrike P Bannink, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
• Mrs. Sandy Joy Weston, Weston Fitness, USA
• Dr. Merethe Dronnen, Volda University College, Norway
• Dr. Mark Andrew Holowchak, University of the Incarnate Word, USA
• Mr. Braco Pobric, High Impact Consulting, Training and Coaching Division, USA
• Dr. Anand Kumar Srivasthava, Indian Academy of Health Psychology, India

International Workshops by,
• Ms. Meghan Kirwin, University of East London, UK
• Dr. Elizabeth K Misener, University of Southern California, USA
• Dr. Michael T Walker, Associated Counselors & Therapists, USA
• Mrs. Karla R Wilson, Wabi-Sabi Vibe, USA
• Dr. Cristiane Maluhy Gebara, University of São Paul, Brazil
• Mr. Tito Paes de Barros Neto, University of São Paulo, Brazil
• Mr. Alain Jean-Baptiste, Possibilities in Mind, Canada
• Dr. Fredrike P Bannink, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

Collaboration: 17th World Summit on Positive Psychology, Psychotherapy & Cognitive Behavioral Sciences in collaboration with India Academy of Health Psychology (IAHP).

Conference Topics:
Positive Psychology Interventions
Mindfulness & Compassion
Happiness & Well-being
Philosophy & Resilience(Epistemology & Metaphysics)
Psychotherapy (CBT, ACT, MBCT, Family & Group Therapy)
Spirituality & Yoga (Meditation, Spiritual care, Aging)
Stress & Depression
Optimism & Flourishing
Buddhist & Humanistic Psychology
Mental Health & Psychiatry Nursing (Mental Illness)
Psychological Disorders
Child & Adolescent Psychology
Counseling Psychology & Psychoanalysis
Cognitive Behavioral Psychology
Applied & Clinical Psychology
Industrial & Organizational Psychology
Sports & Exercise Psychology
Educational & Evolutional Psychology
Addiction Research & Therapy
Social and Community Psychology
Psychopharmacology & Psychopathology

We shall be deeply honored by your gracious presence and we hope that you will be a part in making our event a grand success. Our goal is to bring together bright minds to give talks that are idea-focused, and on a wide range of subjects, to foster learning, inspiration and wonder – and provoke conversations that matter. During the conference, we assure you that you will experience world class facilities and hospitality at the conference. The joy of attending Happiness Congress 2018 brings with it improvement and incremental growth in your approach to do things, in the broader manner to see things and the beauty to live international diversity.

Join the World of Happiness and Experts by registering at:

Come and join us at New York, USA & be Part of Positive Psychology, Mindfulness, Happiness & Psychotherapy.



New York

PEAK-Flow – Erforsche die Wurzeln Deiner Kraft & Deines gegenwärtigen Seins, IAK, 350€ @ IAK Forum International
Nov 27 um 16:30 – Nov 29 um 15:00
PEAK-Flow - Erforsche die Wurzeln Deiner Kraft & Deines gegenwärtigen Seins, IAK, 350€ @ IAK Forum International | Penzberg | Bayern | Deutschland

PEAK-FLOW – Potential, Empowerment, Awareness & Knowledge: Gehe an Deine Grenze, erhöhe Deine Resilienz & meistere Blockaden

„Peak-Performance“ ist ein aus dem Sport und Mentaltraining bekannter Begriff für Spitzenleistung. Auch Abraham Maslow, der Mitbegründer der humanistischen und der transpersonalen Psychologie, nutzte die Bezeichnung „Peak-Experiences“ im Zusammenhang mit spirituellen/ mystischen Gipfelerfahrungen. PEAK-Flow meint daher, im Sinne der FLOW-/ Glücksforschung Csíkszentmihályi´s, dass kontinuierliche Hinströmen zu den damit verbundenen, eigenen Potenzialen, jenseits der bisher genutzten Möglichkeiten für erfüllende Selbstverwirklichung.

Vielleicht hast Du bereits eine oder mehrere Methoden kennen gelernt, bzw. bist in ihnen ausgebildet worden, hast dabei aber immer noch das Gefühl, dass Dir etwas fehlt um Dein volles persönliches oder berufliches Potenzial auf den Weg zu bringen? Dann können Dir die PEAK-Flow-Workshops  bei Jörg Fuhrmann möglicherweise eine gute Unterstützung bieten, mehr über Dich und Deine innere Struktur zu verstehen, Deine bisherigen Grenzen auszudehnen und Deinen eigenen privaten sowie beruflichen Weg zielführender und erfolgreicher zu beschreiten.

In 2020 wird es dazu am IAK zwei Möglichkeiten in einem prozessorientierten Praxisformat geben, welches Atem, Körper, Geist und Energiefeld gleichermaßen nutzt, um Tiefenschichten anzusprechen und Wachstumsprozesse zu initiieren. In dem Format kommen bspw. Methoden/ Impulse zum Tragen, welche u.a. von Prof. Stanislav Grof, Dr. Fritz Perls, Dr. Wilhelm Reich, Dr. Sonia Gomes, Dr. Peter A. Levine, Dr. Eugene T. Gendlin oder dem mehrfachen Guinnessbuch- und Weltrekordhalter Wim Hof sowie traditionellen Schamanen – wie bspw. Mohan L. Rai – genutzt und weiterentwickelt worden sind.  

In beiden kreativen Modulen, die v.a. auch einer „weiblichen Intelligenz“ (die uns allen zur Verfügung steht) folgt, arbeiten wir selbsterforschend „Bottom-Up“ und „Top-Down“ mit Achtsamkeit, Atemtechniken (Holotropes Atmen/ Pranayama), Embodiment und Gestalt-Körperarbeit.  Im November-Workshop nutzen wir außerdem die „Kraft der Kälte“ und „Kälte-Exposition“ als kontemplative Grenzerfahrungsmöglichkeit.    

Die beiden Module bauen nicht aufeinander auf und können unabhängig voneinander gebucht werden. Es sind keine Voraussetzungen – außer einer körperlichen und psychischen Grundstabilität sowie dem Wunsch nach eigener Entwicklung und der Entscheidung sich selbst aktiv und gestaltend einzubringen/ zu zeigen notwendig. 


Alle Neuigkeiten mitbekommen!

Mit dem freiraum-Newsletter erhalten Sie Infos zu unseren Daten und alles Spannende rund um unser freiraum-Angebot wie Hypnose, Trance, Krisen-Navigation, Holotropes Atmen, Transpersonale Psychologie, Körperarbeit, Workshops und Fachkongresse. 

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!