Worldcongress „Beyond Psychedelics 2016“ in Prague @ The Old Waste Water Treatment Plant in Bubeneč
Sep 30 – Okt 2 ganztägig
Worldcongress "Beyond Psychedelics 2016" in Prague @ The Old Waste Water Treatment Plant in Bubeneč | Prag | Prag | Tschechische Republik

The “Journey of the God-Children” and the “Darkness on the Path of Enlightment” – a personal review of transpersonal Crisis-Catalysts in different traditions.

The term “The Godchildren” refers to a quote from Dr. Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz. It defines people who have been placed in an early stage of life into deep transpersonal and sometimes traumatic experiences. If we follow the statement of the medieval mystic Master Eckhart “Suffering is known the fastest horse to God”; we can clearly build a metaphorical bridge to the Initiation-Crisis and Myths of the shamanic Traditions. Referring to my own biographical and therapeutic experience, from over 18 years of practice activities with people in crisis, I would like to discuss the odds on the path of self-realization, triggered by harrowing transpersonal experiences.

I refer inter alia to the experiences and background of an early near-death-experience and crisis of different types and massive transgenerational Traumas from second world war which finally brought me into the Mystic tradition and in the professional humanistic-transpersonal Field. As transpersonal therapist and supervisor who comes from a modern western culture, I went through the whole process of idealization, de-idealization and integration of ancient healing techniques. The shamanic Traditions and also Gestalttherapy and Theatre helped a lot to express the inexpressible. But during my own processes and the stories of many clients, I realized, that crisis where more often (unconsciously) induced than integrated. This also means emotional and sexual abuse as well as retraumatizations and physical death – which happened, for example – in a group in which I participated in, during a traditional two-week-Ayahuasca-Ceremony in the jungle.

Now it seems to me, that the most important issue in coping with transpersonal crisis as a resource, is preparation, ethics, professional guidance and (systemic cultural) integration. Especially the mindfulness-based meditation and the Holotropic Breathwork™ seem very suitable to guide people in their personal processes without psychedelic substance, or in preparation for psychedelic experiences.


Joerg Fuhrmann is an Expert for Crisis-Navigation, DeHypnosis and Trancetherapy. He has studied Social Science, Transpersonal Psychology and Dramatheatre. He travelled around the World to different Teachers and Shamans for 20 Years now. He´s on a guided spiritual Path of Mysticism by Zen-Master and Bendictian Monk Willigs Jäger and works as a Gestalttherapist (ECP/WCP)/ Eurotas Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist (ECTP) and as Eurotas- Supervisor (ESTP) in Switzerland, near Lake Constance. He´s Founder of freiraum-Institute and has worked many years as a Board certified Trainer for the National Guild of Hypnotists™ as well as a Speaker and Lecturer at different Universities. He´s also a Trainer at the biggest European Centre for Mysticism, Awareness and Zen. Since 2013 he is working on his PhD in Transpersonal Psychology. Actually he is accomplishing his 8-Year-Training in Holotropic Breathwork™ with Stan Grof and starting new Trainings in DeHypnosis and Transpersonal Trancetherapy with other Eurotas-Trainers.

Interview Jörg Fuhrmann „Der Mythos des Zwillingsarchetyps & Geburtstrauma“ – Online-Kongress „Verlorerer Zwilling“
Okt 17 um 8:32 – Okt 25 um 9:32

„Verlorener Zwilling“ – Online-Kongress – Jörg Fuhrmann im Interview über pränatale Psychologie, Geburtstrauma, antike Mythen & den Archetyp des Zwillings

Zum kostenlosen Online-Kongress der Gestalttherapeutin Ira Hauptmann:







European Transpersonal Association – EUROTAS-Conference 2018 in St. Petersburg
Sep 19 um 0:00 – Sep 23 um 0:00

European Transpersonal Association – EUROTAS-Conference 2018

Tools for Evolution: Knowledge and Practice That Make Us Real.

What prevents us from fulfilling our potential and taking our full advantage of the given opportunities? What might be the reason of the difficulties we experience in our life, our relationship, business?

What prevents us from fulfilling our potential and taking our full advantage of the given opportunities? What might be the reason of the difficulties we experience in our life, our relationship, business?

What are the main reasons of our stress and our problems and what kind of solutions do the great psychologists, the spiritual and art masters offer to us?

What kind of obstacles do we meet in our development?

Why do we seldom achieve our goals?

Why do we often feel unhappy?

Why aren’t we still englightened?

We’re searching for the answers to these questions. The questioning itself implies we are really desperate for the Knowledge.
The number of questions is unlimited and they do cover numerous grounds.But there is one thing in common: they all specify our ways to become more REAL and free from IGNORANCE individuals by means of Knowledge and Development .??

If the main goal is to become REAL applying the true knowledge, then we are to possess the integral view of the way we can develop ourselves in six dimensions of our existence; as far as the knowledge is mostly valuable as a tool for evolution.

What is the human world to become to serve its best for the main goal of our universe-the evolution?

All the spheres of life:medicine, ethics, politics, economics, education, everyday life, business, spirituality, everything serves this goal in this world.

We welcome you to discuss all these issues on the XIX conference of the European transpersonal association called «tools for evolution», that will take place in St.Petersburg, 19-23, September,2018.



Aktionstag – Kontaktabbruch in Familien – Kriegskinder – Kriegsenkel & transgeneratives Trauma – mit einem Vortrag von Jörg Fuhrmann @ Tagungszentrum Milchwerk
Okt 5 um 13:00 – 14:30
Holotropes Atmen-Intensiv 4x (nach Stanislav Grof) 350.- CHF Stein am Rhein am Bodensee mit Jörg Fuhrmann @ Stein am Rhein
Sep 25 um 17:30 – Sep 27 um 20:00
Holotropes Atmen-Intensiv 4x (nach Stanislav Grof) 350.- CHF Stein am Rhein am Bodensee mit Jörg Fuhrmann @ Stein am Rhein | Hamm | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Deutschland

Holotropes Atmen – Selbsterfahrungsworkshop in Stein am Rhein 

Holotropes Atmen ist eine transpersonale Methode, bei der mittels vertiefter und beschleunigter Atmung und spezieller Musik auch die zutiefst spirituelle Erfahrungen zugänglich und erlebbar gemacht werden. Somit kann es eine enorme Hilfe für Menschen in persönlichen Übergängen, bei psychospirituellen Fragestellungen (bspw. Sinnfragen, transgenerationale Themen, transpersonale Erfahrungen, Nahtoderfahrungen, energetische Aspekte etc.) sowie bei  Problemen, Verpanzerungen, Blockierungen, Stauungen und Konflikten bedeuten.

Holotropes Atmen kann sowohl körperlich, als auch psychisch recht anspruchsvoll und herausfordernd sein. Daher bedarf es einer entsprechenden physischen Belastbarkeit und psychischen Grundstabilität. Durch das Holotrope Atmen werden keine Pathologien geheilt, sondern Entstehungszusammenhänge erkundet. Dabei gewinnen die Menschen ihre Autorität und Würde über das eigene Wachstums- und Selbstheilungspotenzial zurück.

Holotropes Atmen kann Ihnen bspw. Unterstützung bieten wenn:

  • Sie den Raum für bewusstseinsverändernde Erfahrungen eröffnen möchten.
  • Sie nach einer körperorientierten Methode, die weit über reine Gespräche hinausreicht, suchen.
  • Sie sich in einem Übergang, einer Neuorientierung oder einer Krise befinden und nach tieferen Einsichten und Erkenntnissen suchen.
  • Sie unvollendete Gestalten und Wunden Ihrer Vergangenheit schließen möchten.
  • Sie eine fachliche Begleitung auf einem inneren Übungsweg wie bspw. Yoga/ Mystik/ Zen suchen.
  • Sie die Themen, die auf Ihrem inneren Übungsweg auftauchen auch entsprechend begleiten und integrieren möchten.

Leitung: Jörg Fuhrmann (Holotopic Breathwork-Facilitator nach Grof)


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Mit dem freiraum-Newsletter erhalten Sie Infos zu unseren Daten und alles Spannende rund um unser freiraum-Angebot wie Hypnose, Trance, Krisen-Navigation, Holotropes Atmen, Transpersonale Psychologie, Körperarbeit, Workshops und Fachkongresse. 

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!