Worldcongress “Beyond Psychedelics 2016” in Prague @ The Old Waste Water Treatment Plant in Bubeneč
Sep 30 – Oct 2 all-day
Worldcongress "Beyond Psychedelics 2016" in Prague @ The Old Waste Water Treatment Plant in Bubeneč | Prag | Prag | Tschechische Republik

The “Journey of the God-Children” and the “Darkness on the Path of Enlightment” – a personal review of transpersonal Crisis-Catalysts in different traditions.

The term “The Godchildren” refers to a quote from Dr. Ingo Benjamin Jahrsetz. It defines people who have been placed in an early stage of life into deep transpersonal and sometimes traumatic experiences. If we follow the statement of the medieval mystic Master Eckhart “Suffering is known the fastest horse to God”; we can clearly build a metaphorical bridge to the Initiation-Crisis and Myths of the shamanic Traditions. Referring to my own biographical and therapeutic experience, from over 18 years of practice activities with people in crisis, I would like to discuss the odds on the path of self-realization, triggered by harrowing transpersonal experiences.

I refer inter alia to the experiences and background of an early near-death-experience and crisis of different types and massive transgenerational Traumas from second world war which finally brought me into the Mystic tradition and in the professional humanistic-transpersonal Field. As transpersonal therapist and supervisor who comes from a modern western culture, I went through the whole process of idealization, de-idealization and integration of ancient healing techniques. The shamanic Traditions and also Gestalttherapy and Theatre helped a lot to express the inexpressible. But during my own processes and the stories of many clients, I realized, that crisis where more often (unconsciously) induced than integrated. This also means emotional and sexual abuse as well as retraumatizations and physical death – which happened, for example – in a group in which I participated in, during a traditional two-week-Ayahuasca-Ceremony in the jungle.

Now it seems to me, that the most important issue in coping with transpersonal crisis as a resource, is preparation, ethics, professional guidance and (systemic cultural) integration. Especially the mindfulness-based meditation and the Holotropic Breathwork™ seem very suitable to guide people in their personal processes without psychedelic substance, or in preparation for psychedelic experiences.


Joerg Fuhrmann is an Expert for Crisis-Navigation, DeHypnosis and Trancetherapy. He has studied Social Science, Transpersonal Psychology and Dramatheatre. He travelled around the World to different Teachers and Shamans for 20 Years now. He´s on a guided spiritual Path of Mysticism by Zen-Master and Bendictian Monk Willigs Jäger and works as a Gestalttherapist (ECP/WCP)/ Eurotas Certified Transpersonal Hypnotherapist (ECTP) and as Eurotas- Supervisor (ESTP) in Switzerland, near Lake Constance. He´s Founder of freiraum-Institute and has worked many years as a Board certified Trainer for the National Guild of Hypnotists™ as well as a Speaker and Lecturer at different Universities. He´s also a Trainer at the biggest European Centre for Mysticism, Awareness and Zen. Since 2013 he is working on his PhD in Transpersonal Psychology. Actually he is accomplishing his 8-Year-Training in Holotropic Breathwork™ with Stan Grof and starting new Trainings in DeHypnosis and Transpersonal Trancetherapy with other Eurotas-Trainers.

Tattva-Viveka Online Symposium “Wissenschaft & Spiritualität – die Welten verbinden” Jörg Fuhrmann u.a. im Dialog mit Dr. Gerald Hüther @ Verlag und Versand Ronald Engert
Oct 20 @ 9:30 – Oct 29 @ 17:35

Wissenschaft und Spiritualität – die Welten verbinden Online Symposium

Sprituelle Kulturen:

Jede Kultur oder spirituelle Schule bringt ihre jeweils eigene Stimme in das weltweite spirituelle Orchester mit ein. Indem wir uns austauschen und  das Höchste und Beste aus diesem kulturellen Erbe heraus kristallisieren, bringen wir die Erde auf eine neue Klangebene.

Geistes- und Naturwissenschaft: 

Die klassische Naturwissenschaft ist angetreten, sprirituelles Wissen zu widerlegen und nur materiell messbare Phänomene als real zu betrachten. Mit der Quantenphysik muss sie nun die Existenz der geistigen Sphären eingestehen. Nur knapp 1-5 % der Realität sind materiell. Was können uns die Naturwissenschaften zur Rolle der Gefühle sagen? Können sich Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften heute versöhnen und von der Konkurrenz zur Ko-Kreation gelangen?

Sehen 2.0 – die Verbindung:

Während in der Frühzeit der Mensch unbewusst in die Gesamtheit des menschlichen Kosmos eingebettet war, löst er sich mit dem Zeitalter der Aufklärung durch das Denken und das Ego aus der Verbundenheit. Heute geht es darum, Fühlen und Denken in einer neuen Art des Erkenntnisprozesses zu integrieren und das Wesen von uns selbst im Verhältnis zur Welt zu schauen. Bereits für Platon war die Geistesschau die höchste Stufe der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis.

Dieses kostenfreie Online-Symposium ist genau richtig für Dich wenn:

  • Du von anderen Kulturen lernen willst, um dein spirituelles Wissen zu erweitern.
  • Du von Quantenphysik, Epigenetik, Neurowissenschaften
 erfahren möchtest, wie man geistige Phänomene wissenschaftlich erklären kann und welche Bedeutung Gefühle haben.
  • Du eine ganzheitliche Weltsicht finden möchtest, die Gedanken und Gefühle auf einer dritten Ebene verbindet.

Melde Dich jetzt kostenlos an!










4th World-Congress “Movement: Brain, Body, Cognition” University of Paris-La Sorbonne mit Jörg Fuhrmann @ University of Paris/La Sorbonne
Sep 3 @ 14:42 – Sep 4 @ 15:42

The aim of the conference is to share knowledge on the relation of human movement to cognitive function and to establish dialogue between professionals from different disciplines.  The focus this year, among other things, will be on the Brain-Gut connection and Movement, Development and Aging, the Neuropsychology of cognitive-motor interaction (evaluation and treatment), Physical Education as a tool for cognitive improvement, Gender issues in Movement and Cognition and other focus areas. As usual, the general conference topic areas will also include application to rehabilitation and therapeutics, sport, motor learning, brain-behavior relationships, traumatic brain injury, gait and cognition, and dance. We welcome your attendance at this conference.  Should you, in addition, desire to present your research, special technique or clinical experiences, kindly send your abstract to the attention of the scientific committee after which it will undergo review for inclusion in the program. The accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings as well as selected papers published in the journal Brain, Body Cognition.

Jörg Fuhrmann is presenting new Movement-Tools for a polyvagal approach in holistic Traumatherapy, Pedagogies, Bodywork and Crisis-Intervention

Alle Neuigkeiten mitbekommen!

Mit dem freiraum-Newsletter erhalten Sie Infos zu unseren Daten und alles Spannende rund um unser freiraum-Angebot wie Hypnose, Trance, Krisen-Navigation, Holotropes Atmen, Transpersonale Psychologie, Körperarbeit, Workshops und Fachkongresse. 

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!